Onsite service call to determine issues customer experienced during phone upgrade. Could not send/receive emails
Determined that passwords were incorrect. Customer reset passwords and has access to email now
1-hour travel
1-hour service
Thank you for making IT Oversight by Steve Vogelaar your partner to Oversee all your IT!
Thank you for understanding that inasmuch as we would like to, we are not able to offer 30 or 60 day terms on your invoice. We are however happy to extend our terms to 48 hours as a courtesy, unless prior other arrangements have been made. Late invoices could be subject to 1.5% interest per month (18% per year)
Credit Card Payments are subject to 3.75% surcharge.
Preferred payment types: Interact e-Transfer, Credit-Card / Debit Card, PayPal Cash
Alternate payment type: Company Cheque (upon pre-approval only)
Invoice updated by IT Oversight.
Invoice updated by IT Oversight.